
Welcome to Mountain Church!
Greetings and welcome to Mountain Presbyterian Church of 2478 Boyles Run Road, Sunbury, PA. We hope our site helps to inform you about who we are, where you can find us, and what we believe. May you find it useful and informative! Please check back often because this site is an ever changing work in progress, just as we are - through Christ Jesus our Lord!
Job Opening: Part-time Pastor
MOUNTAIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA www.mountainpresby.org PASTOR Our Vision: Mountain Presbyterian Church is actively seeking a pastor with the gifts and passion to lead and equip our congregation, so that together and as individuals, we can regularly and invitingly introduce people to Jesus, help them become mature disciples, and build Christ’s Church in Sunbury, PA. Our new co-vocational or part-time, ordained or commissioned lay pastor, will set the vision, equip, and lead church leaders and members into a new era of flourishing as a small church in rural central Pennsylvania. Our Mission: To live as Christ’s disciples by knowing Him personally, growing in Him relationally, and serving Him missionally. Who We Are: Mountain Presbyterian Church is an ECO church in Cornerstone Presbytery located in a country setting approximately 60 miles north of Harrisburg, PA and 60 miles east of State College, PA. The setting and facilities are quite beautiful, well maintained, and cared for. Our facility has all the amenities needed to support a thriving ministry, including a spacious sanctuary, fellowship hall, office, Sunday School rooms, and large outdoor pavilion with kitchen and playground. Our congregation is growing older but has all age groups represented and a good number of families with children. Our demographics mirror those of the surrounding area which is anticipated to remain stable in the coming years. The makeup of the population is mainly Caucasian and there are several other church congregations in the surrounding area. We believe that the general attitude of the population regarding church ministries is positive but there is a need for a focused approach to outreach. We presently have 80 Covenant Partners and an attendance of 45-50 weekly. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: • Faithfully preach God’s Word, lead worship, and administer the sacraments on Sundays and for special services such as Lenten Services, Good Friday Service, Christmas Candlelight Service as determined by the Session. • Set the vision for the church with the elders, and effectively communicate that vision. • Train people in the congregation to be able to effectively evangelize, as a church and as individuals, in our unique context. • Facilitate basic pastoral care to the members of the Church family, through coordinated effort with the church elders and deacons including but not limited to hospital visitation, crisis and emergency support, contacts with new and prospective members, and visitation with and home communion for homebound members. • Moderate Session meetings and serve as an ex-officio member as needed on other boards/committees to provide guidance and support for the ministry and mission of the church. • Share leadership of Sunday School and small group studies with other teachers/leaders in the congregation. • Officiate at funerals and services of Christian marriage. • Be active in ECO, Cornerstone Presbytery, and a Pastor Covenant Group (PCG). • Provide spiritual support to parishioners as they face challenging life situations. • Supervise staff. • Participate in an annual performance evaluation. Key Attributes and Characteristics: We are prayerfully seeking a pastor to lead this congregation in our next season of flourishing. Our next pastor will exhibit in his/her own life the qualities he/she wants to foster within the congregation. • Deep personal faith in Jesus Christ and humble reliance upon the Holy Spirit. • A passion to see others come to faith and grow into mature disciples. • Strong preaching, teaching and interpersonal skills in both large and small group settings. • A heart for those in need of tangible emotional and spiritual care. • Seminary degree or ECO-certified Commissioned Lay Pastor 2. Benefits • Compensation will reflect education, experience, and Cornerstone Presbytery’s minimum terms of call. • Vacation - four weeks per year including four Sundays. Vacation is cumulative for three years to a maximum of six weeks. • Study leave – two weeks per year including two Sundays, cumulative for two years to a maximum of four weeks. To Apply Our desire is to call our next pastor by September of 2025, even as we trust that God will provide the right leader at the right time. If you feel called to work with a congregation that wants to learn what it means to flourish in our setting and better reach more people with the good news of Jesus Christ, we invite you to begin the conversation with us! Interested applicants may submit their resumes to Randy Tomlinson at rstomlinson@tds.net (Chair of Pastor Nominating Committee.
Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Becoming noticeably warmer tomorrow
60° 50°
Mostly clear
Feels Like: 42°Humidity: 50%
Wind: 1 MPH