Directions (from 11 & 15)
Traveling from Rt’s. 11 & 15 into the city of Sunbury; at the end of Memorial Bridge, bear left, continuing down Front Street. Turn right onto Chestnut Street following the sign for Rt. 61; continuing all the way through Sunbury. As you leave Sunbury you will travel through a “z” area, under a railroad underpass. After the underpass, continue ¼ mile and turn right onto Rt. 890. Continue on Rt. 890 for five
miles to the village of Augustaville. Watch for a large red and white sign “Dries Orchards” and Mountain Presbyterian Church. Turn right at that sign, travel 50 yards and turn
left. The church is two miles ahead.
Directions (from Route 147)
Traveling North on 147 from Herndon, approx. 8 miles turn right onto Boyles Run Road. The church is located at the end of Boyle's Run Road (approx. 7 1/2 miles).
Tuesdays 8 am - 1 pm